Friday, October 31, 2008


For Halloween we went to a Trunk or Treat. Sadie was a pumpkin. I thought she was super cute. We went with Rachel, Kris, and Lincoln and had a great time. Sadie and Lincoln enjoyed being in the wagon. Lincoln loved taking the candy out of one bag and putting it into the other. He would also try to give the candy from his bag to the people instead of taking it from them. What a sweet boy! Sadie had fun too. She hung on to her M&M’s and didn‘t want to let go. The Trunk or Treat was a great way for us to enjoy Halloween, but it wasn’t too much. Enjoy our pictures.

Happy Halloween!

Tarzan and the Pumpkin! Too cute!

Here's Sadie. Enjoying the ride.

Sadie and Lincoln. "Trick or Treat!"

Daddy with the Pumpkin, starting to get tired.

One pooped pumpkin!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Love the pumpkin costume!!:)