Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas at the Gillespie's

We decided that we were going to celebrate Christmas at home this year. It is difficult to be far away from family on holidays, but it was fun to celebrate just the three of us on Christmas morning. Sadie is still too young to really know what’s going on, but she had fun ripping paper and looking at new things. I am just so thankful for my family and for the blessing of celebrating Christmas with them. Thanks for the presents Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, and Big Daddy. Sadie loved them! Gabe and I have always felt that we do not want Sadie to think that Christmas is about getting what she wants, but that it is a time for us to celebrate Jesus’ birth and the joy of giving and sharing with others. And where does Santa Claus fit into that, well I haven’t quite figured that out yet, but I have at least another year until she really knows what’s going on.

We had a great time eating breakfast together and opening some gifts. Gabe cooked for about 2 hours and then we went to the Les and Jenny's for lunch. We had a great time. Sadie was pretty tired by the time everything was over and we just ended the day watching movies.

Editor's note: My pictures loaded in random order for some reason :)

Sadie and Daddy, enjoying some black cherry pie.

Gabe got me some very comfortable slippers. So sweet!

Sadie with her farm animals from Grandma and Grandpa. She is also sporting her new P.J.'s.

She loves her Dr. Seus books from Nana and Big Daddy.

Sadie and Daddy with the cookies for Santa Claus!

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