Saturday, August 28, 2010

6-7 months and catching up...

I got way behind on blogging this summer so I have posted a few pictures to catch up a little, but I have a long way to go. At least I got Claire's pictures taken, they just didn't get posted. She is 8 months old, I just have to get those taken and posted by the 18th. We will see. Anyway, one picture made it from our trip to the Abilene zoo to feed the giraffes this summer. It was a quick up and back trip in a day, but it was fun to do right before school started. The first week has come and gone. We are all tired and the girls are taking a long nap this afternoon so I actually have time to post some pictures. Nice!

I don't know if you can tell from the pictures, but Claire is developing quite a personality. We think she has so much up in her little head just waiting to come out. She just babbles and babbles and goes after whatever she wants. She is crawling everywhere and pulled up on the couch this morning. Sadie was laying on the floor and before we knew it, Claire had a handful of her hair! We constantly hear Sadie saying, "Baby No! That's mine!" Fun times ahead!


Kay said...

Getting so big... love Sadie and the giraffe. Jen livess over by the zoo. She can hear the elephants in the morning :)

Anonymous said...

Big Daddy