Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Claire has definitely had a memorable first Thanksgiving so I wanted to be sure it was a part of the blog. She woke up during the night Wednesday with a high fever. Gabe rocked her for a couple hours during the night and after the medicine kicked in her fever went down some and she went back to sleep. Not quite sure if it was a stomach bug or infection, but she threw up a couple times and didn't do much but sleep on Thanksgiving.

(Claire, your first Thanksgiving meal was a few teaspoons of Gatorade by syringe. Sorry you missed out on all the good food, we were especially excited for you because you are such a good eater and LOVE meat. You're really going to love it next year! )

I took her to the doctor on Friday morning and she was treated for an infection since she had been running the fever off and on for over a week. She got a shot and some medicine and has been doing so much better! Just to see her want to eat and drink again is such a relief. We haven't had one of the girls that sick before and it was pretty scary. The doctor was very encouraging though. He asked if she was in daycare and I told him yes. He said that it is common for babies to get sick when they are in daycare and also told me all about a research study he had just read about strengths of children that have been in daycare. He said that they are usually very social and have an increased vocabulary. Those are the two I remember because they reminded me of Sadie. He also said that they usually do not miss very much school because they have already been exposed and have been sick when they were younger. Anyway, he said it would get better after the first two winters which proved to be true with Sadie and to hang in there. It was just so nice to be encouraged and just what I needed after the couple of weeks we had just had of ear infections and sickness. I was praying on the way to the doctor that I was going to need help to hold it together. He gave me the right doctor with just the right words and I am so thankful she is better.

Anyway, I didn't mean to get so far off of Thanksgiving... Here are some pictures from our weekend and the fun we have had.

I was determined to get some pictures of Claire's first Thanksgiving. She looks pretty miserable huh? This would be the hour she was awake. Poor baby. Sadie was a trooper and would pose for me to get some pictures.

Our plans for Thanksgiving were to go to the Lamm's and eat, but we had to cancel. They were so sweet and brought us some dinner. We are so grateful for their friendship.

Gabe and Sadie went on a movie date late morning since we had to change our plans around. They went and saw Tangled.

Claire's First Thanksgiving Photo. Pitiful huh?

Gabe decided to make pizza tonight so Sadie was all about helping. They turned out great. At dinner she said, "Mamma, I made it for you." She is so sweet.

So proud of her creation.

Claire is feeling better! Hooray!!!!!!!


Ashley said...

Sorry that Claire had a sick first Thanksgiving.:( Our kids were not feeling well too. Glad that Sadie had some fun time with her Daddy!

Anonymous said...

I just went to the Dr. with Owen on Friday and he had lost weight. I started to cry (I mean... I've been feeding the kid every two to three hours and he lost??? ) and my doctor was great... she said she had 1500 patients and not one has starved to death on her yet and mine was not going to be the first. It made me feel so much better... so I know exactly what you mean. Glad Clarie is better!