Saturday, September 3, 2011

Goodbye Baby Furniture

I can't believe the girls are going to be 4 and 2 soon, but that's reality. So we decided it was time to sell the baby furniture. We sold it pretty quickly on Criaig's list and before I knew it, the new owners were coming to pick it up. I spent last Sunday afternoon in Claire's room moving her clothes into her new "big girl buckets" and cleaning all of the baby stuff out. I found lots of baby socks, burp rags, and even the hats from the hospital that the girls wore after they were first born. I didn't expect to get quite so sentimental. I'm usually not that way, but there's something about not having that crib in there anymore that makes me a little sad.

I put the girls in the crib for one last picture before it was gone.

Here's a picture of Sadie at about 3 months old in the crib.

And Claire's first crib picture. About 1 month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time passes by so fast. I can't believe they are already 4 and 2. sure do miss you guys.
Big Daddy