Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sea World

The Gillespies could not have a summer vacation without a stop at Sea World.  Shamu is a common topic of conversation at our house.  It was on our way to the beach and they are still offering free season passes for teachers so how could we really say no.  Especially to those cute faces!   Sadie was all about taking a picture with the dancer from the dolphin show, but do not get her close to a character in a costume!  She totally freaks out!  We are hoping that will get better as she gets older.  She even would try talking herself up by telling Claire that they are only people in costumes, but she couldn't quite do it this time.  Maybe next year.  Her's a few pictures from the fun we had.

Claire was tall enough this year to ride more of the kiddie rides so she was super excited.  

Of course the Merry Go Round is always a favorite.  
 Sadie being a great big sister to "show Claire around" now that she could ride some of the rides.  

Feeding the dolphins.  Claire was all about it, but Sadie wanted to stand back and watch. 

I just had to include this picture because ever since we started Claire in gymnastics about a  month ago, she has wanted to turn EVERYTHING into a bar and hang on it.  This includes sinks in bathrooms, tables, and any other bar she can find.  When she stared hanging while she was looking at the penguins, I had to snap a picture.  

Gabe and Daddy on some twisty caterpillar ride.  Claire and I were sitting across from them.  So fun!

 I love this picture of Sadie at the Shamu show.  She was so excited.  Shamu came out early and was hanging out in the pool.  Gabe took her down and she got to get pretty close.  With the dolphin show and the shamu show, the animals wanted to play around in the pool so they had to delay the shows a little while.  I thought it was really cute when the girls were "re-inacting" the shows later and Sadie would say that it was time for the Shamu show.  She would then say that Shamu is wanting to play around for a few minutes so we will be back later to start the show.   

 Claire said her favorite part of the show was when , "dat durl dave Shamu fish to eat."  

A couple more pictures of feeding the dolphins that got a little out of order. 

A Beach Vacation

I can't believe it has been a month since I have blogged.  Summer sure does fly by.  We just got back a couple of days ago from our San Antonio, Sea World, Port Aransas adventure.  It was great to travel with the girls and we made some great memories.  We were definitely more exhausted when we got back than when we left, but I guess that is how "vacation" works with a 2 year old and a 4 year old.  We started out in San Antonio.  (More pictures from Sea World later)  From there we drove to Port Aransas to spend a few days at the beach.  Gabe found a great beach house for us and the girls loved just playing in the sand and collecting sea shells. 

The girls loved the hotel.  Here are a few pictures of them helping us pack up to head for the beach. 

 A few pictures of the girls playing at the beach.  It was so fun to watch them.  When we were driving to our beach house they were chanting from the back seat, "Where are the duckies!  Where is the beach!"  They were so excited when we finally got there.  

 Here they are sorting through some of their sea shell treasures.  

 Daddy and the girls enjoying a snack at the beach.  

We were at the beach over the 4th and we found a great cruise that we could go on and see the fire works.  We didn't have to fight the traffic, find a place, or entertain the girls until the fireworks started.  They loved being on the boat and were both actually awake for the fireworks.  It worked out great.

 Here's Sadie on the boat enjoying her Skittles while we went out to our spot.  

 A picture of the fireworks that Gabe took.  I kept missing them and was getting a lot of pictures of all black.  I'm still working on my photography skills.  

...And sweet Claire on the boat getting a little wiggly before the fire works started.  Luckily there was some room for her to wiggle.