Saturday, October 31, 2009

Today I went to a Children's Consignment Store to look for a jacket for Sadie. They had just put out all of their Christmas stuff and I found this cute Christmas dress in sizes for Sadie and Claire! It was so fun to buy two of the same thing and even better that it was just $10 for both.

I'm really starting to get excited about having another baby in the house and Claire completing our family. Since I found out I was pregnant I have been a little (ok, a lot) nervous about having two children to take care. The questions just run through my head like, "I already feel like we are so busy, how will we ever take care of 2?" "How am I going to get out the door in morning?" and many, many others. My prayer has been since that I will know that I am ready and prepared by the time Claire gets here. Well, earlier this week, those questions started coming back and I just prayed that I would be prepared and confident. Well, I know there are a lot of different opinions about how God speaks and when he speaks and I definitley don't have all the answers to those questions, but when I prayed the same prayer I had been praying for 8 months, I had a very calming feeling and the thought that, "I am ready and prepared" and now I just know that I am prepared and ready to be a mom to Sadie and Claire and a wife to Gabe. I don't know what all that means and I know it's not going to be easy, but I know that I am not really in charge of it all anyway and I am just following His leading. I have some great people in my life that I am learning from all the time about listening for God's voice and following his lead. I am so grateful for them and for what God has taught me so far through them. I can't wait to meet our sweet Claire and to see both of our girls in matching dresses!

Halloween 2009

For Halloween this year, we went to a trunk or treat again. It was such a great way for Sadie to trick or treat and she had a lot of fun. She figured it out after about 3 trunks and had no problem running up to the trunks and saying, "Treat!, Treat!" "Tank, Two" (Thank you). Anyway, Lincoln met us there again this year and they took off. Sadie was a cheerleader- mostly because we had the outfit and it was easy. I know that will only work while she is little. We'll see about next year!

Our little cheerleader!

Playing in her car before we left.

Lincoln as a Home Depot worker.

Here they are...getting some treats.

And enjoying the loot. She woke up this morning asking for treats. They have now been emptied out of the pumpkin and are hidden.

Moving into a new room

We have moved Sadie into her new room and so far it is going great! She really likes her new bed and has stayed in it for a week now. Having grandparents here the week of her birthday really helped us get it done. Without them there is not way we would have finished. I'm so thankful the transition has been smooth and she loves it so much. She is growing up so fast. Now I just have to get the nursery ready for Claire. Moving in baby clothes, getting the baby stuff out of the attic, etc. At this point, I have just closed the door and I'm procrastinating. I do have 7 weeks to get it done. (Hopefully!)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

We made it to the Pumpkin Patch today or at least as Pumpkin Patch as it gets for West Texas. It was windy and dusty, but what isn't out here! Sadie had fun running through the pumpkins and we got a few pictures so I would call it successful. She even ended up with a pumpkin.

Holding on to the pumpkin so she doesn't blow away!

Looking them all over.

She picked a pumpkin, now we just have to get back to the car.

She did it! (with a little help from Daddy)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sadie turns 2!

It's hard to believe that Sadie has turned two. It actually has been about a week, but life is just flying by these days and this has been my first chance to blog. Actually, I tried to get it done a couple days ago, but the cameara wouldn't download the pictures, then the internet was being irritating and after about thirty minutes, I gave up. So, here we are, trying again.

We have had a very busy October with getting Sadie's new room ready, family visiting, celebrating a birthday, doctor's appointments, school, etc. Thanks to lots of help from grandparents, I think we got most of it accomplished. Now on to Sadie...

She has turned 2 and is loving every minute, or at least she acts like she is. She is such a happy little girl and we are so thankful for her. She just has a joy inside her that I really think is contangious. She is in a "baby music" class that a teacher at Gabe's school is doing once a week. She is close to the oldest one in the class and she dances around and loves to participate. She also goes to "tumblebugs" once a week and has a lot of fun with that. She can jump with two feet now on the trampoline and can walk across the soft little balance beam by herself. Don't ask her to do a front roll though, she will quickly say, "No." It's a parent and tot class so Gabe will just pick her up and flip her over so she has to do it, but for some reason she never wants to. She loves to get her stamps and a "sicle" after class. (that's what she says for popsicle)

Our sweet Sadie is talking and talking now and learning new words everyday. She keeps us laughing and half the time we are guessing trying to figure out what she is saying. Once we get it, it makes perfect since, but it can take us a while sometimes. She says," Cackle, Cackle" for "Twinkle, Twinkle" and she says this anytimes she sees something with stars on it. She also asks for "apples" whenever she wants oatmeal and we don't really know why. That's just a couple of her funny ones right now. She also thinks that she knows what color things are, but she says everything is blue or pink.

We are just loving being with our sweet girl and are looking forward to what God has planned for her. Everyone has told us that time will fly by and the first two years definitley have. I know it's about to get really crazy at our house for a while, but I also know that it is only going to get better. Sadie has brought us such joy and I just love being her mom. I love when comes running and says, "Mama, Mama." I love that I get to kiss her each morning and tell her I love her everyday. I also love that I get to share her joy with other people and watch her bring others happiness. She is trully a blessing! I love you sweet girl! Happy 2nd birthday!

About to dive in to the cupcake. She actually blew out the candle byherself.

She didn't quite know what to do when we were singing Happy Birthday.

We were so glad that Fred, Alison, and Ian were able to come down for the afternoon since they have now moved to Amarillo. When they got to our house, Gabe and Fred were wearing the same shirt. Too funny!

Some of our friends that were able to come over. We are so blessed to have such great friends who give us so much support!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A sneak peak at Claire

Well, we had our last ultrasound today for Claire. The technician couldn't get a really clear shot because of where the cord was or something like that. I'm not exactly sure what she said was in the way, but they are still precious to us. She also didn't really like being bothered. She has a big frown in one of the pictures so we said she is going to be tempermental. (like her daddy!) Anyway, once again, I realize these aren't the cutest pictures to everyone, but grandparents sure do like them.

They said that everything is measuring good and she seems to be growing just fine. She weighs 3 pounds so far and they said that is just where she should be so we are eagerly anticipating December 18 and looking forward to holding our sweet girl!

Check out that frown. She's not even out of the womb yet!