Friday, October 24, 2008

Birthday Weekend #2

So last weekend was another birthday celebration. Gabe's parents, Nana and Big Daddy, came to visit. We also had a party with some friends on Sunday afternoon. My friend, Jenny, helped me make some cute rubber duckie cakes that I have to say turned out better than I expected. Thanks Jenny for all your help!!! The party turned out to be very nice. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends here that are family to us. I do not know how I would have made it through the past year without the encouragement and help from everyone. We also just feel so blessed that Sadie is able to have such wonderful examples of loving, caring Christian people.

Now a little about Sadie. I just have to say that she has been such a blessing to our lives. She is just a joy to be around and her smile makes me smile no matter what I feel like. She is saying Mama and Dada. She also can sign, "All Done" and she just started "Please." She also will say "All Done," but it is more like "AAAHHH DAAAA." She will say "Hi" when she is waving too! The whole year has been amazing and I love seeing her grow and change. I try everyday to make sure she knows that we love her and that she is a special little girl. I look forward to the future and to being able to share more memories with her. I pray that God will continue to guide us and help me as I try to nuture her and lead her to Him.

I can't say enough how amazed I have been at how God works and the way that he continues to work in me and increase my faith. Since we decided to start trying to have children it has been a journey and I sure did not know what I was in for at the beginning, but I wouldn't go back for anything. I always had those fears of not knowing what to do with a baby and I was remembering being in the hospital when Sadie was born. I remember that she was crying one morning and I just looked at Gabe. He said, "Just sing to her." I told him that I didn't know what to sing and he said that it didn't matter becasue I was her Mama. After a few tears, I remember making a conscience choice at that time to do something that didn't come "natural" to me, but that I knew was what I needed to do. I just started singing. As I was rocking Sadie this week before she went to bed and making up some silly song about her, I just smiled in amazement at not just how much Sadie has changed in the past year, but how much I have changed too. (Also, how thankful I am for Gabe and the truth that he has to speak to me quite often!) I use to hear people say all the time that God is good and I would agree, but I really belive that I needed some more experiences in my life to learn and know more what that means. Having Sadie has shown me over and over that I am so not in control and that I can not do things on my own, but if I will ask, Wow! Amazing things can happen! I love you sweet girl and Happy Birthday!!!!

I think Sadie liked the tissue paper more than the presents.
She loved her first birthday cake!

Sadie, Daddy, and Mama blowing out the candle.

I thought the cakes turned out pretty cute. The party was a rubber duckie theme, just in case you couldn't tell.

Here we are, all ready to party!

Sadie and Linclon. Just hangin out.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

i have tears in my eyes.....your words were beautiful!! What a blessing of a wonderful godly husband too!!
I know that you are an awesome mommy!!!:)