Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

For Thanksgiving every year we go to Ruidoso, NM with the Riley’s and the Rhoades. This is our 6th year to go. We always have a good time and do a lot of relaxing. We cooked a big Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. We also played Dan’s Wii. (I think that’s how you spell it. Not really sure.) It was a lot of fun. It was more fun to watch people than to play at times. Gabe was really funny on the ski jump. Sadie had a good time with the ducks on the lake and running around on the golf course. There were also deer that would come right up to the condos. Every year we also do a run. Big surprise, I know. Rusty picks the course every year and we have a lot of fun. Sadie got sick part of the way through so we had a fussy baby that wasn’t sleeping good towards the end. I got pretty stressed and we were exhausted by the time we got home, but we had a good time and made some memories. Everyone was so patient and loving with Sadie and we again were so blessed to be with some of our favorite people.

Sadie's waiting patiently for dinner.

Getting a look at the deer

Ready to run!

We always eat lunch at Cafe Rio on Friday afternoon. It's a great local pizza place.

Everyone watching and playing the Wii

Gabe on the ski jump. He really got into it!

Her's a picture of our feast.

Shopping in Ruidoso. This is one of our favorite stores. We call it the pink house. They have lots of hot drinks and snacks that are great to taste and get you in the mood for the holidays.

Sadie LOVED the ducks. She would sit and watch them for a long time. She learned to throw the bread by the end. It didn't go very far, but she would get really excited.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

What a fun tradition! So glad that you have people around you that are like "family!" It was great talking to you on the phone.:) Have a wonderfully blessed CHRISTmas season.