Saturday, March 28, 2009

Catching up

Saturday has definitely become our "catch up" day and it seems to be my blogging day too. We have had a good week and are enjoying our Sadie so much. She is at such a great, fun age. She is starting to say lots of words and phrases. I am making her say words now (or at least try) instead of ,"Uh, Uh" whenever she wants something. This week she did a couple funny things. Not only does she look like her daddy, but she also has developed his love for food. We were watching TV one night and she was running around playing. A commercial for Red Lobster came on and she looked at the TV and said, "Mmmmmmm!" Pretty funny. Then tonight at dinner- Gabe had made french onion soup (Yummy!) and Sadie was eating roast beef and peas. (2 of her favorites) We were blowing on our soup to cool it down and she decided she needed to blow on her food too. She picked up the peas one by one and would blow on each one before she put it in her mouth. Gabe and I were cracking up!

We were also excited today because we got to see our Jose. He is home from Iraq for a visit and we were so excited to see him. He hadn't seen Sadie since November so she had changed quite a bit. He even got to see her throw a tantrum! Jose told us that he reads the blog all the way over in Iraq to keeep up with what's going on with us. That's motivation enough for me. It was great to visit with him and his sister Brittany. Jose and Brittany- we are so proud of you, who you have become, and what you are doing! We love you!

Nana, here is the best picture that I got of Sadie last week in the lady bug dress. So cute!

Sadie, Gabe, and Jose. I didn't realize Brittany had ducked out of the picture.

One of Sadie's new fun things to do...take her baby for rides in the laundry basket.

Lovin the weekend!


Ashley said...

I agree with Sadie that food commericals make me say, Mmmmmm!
SO looking forward to seeing you in June! Hang in there only a few more months of school!

Anonymous said...

I want a copy of that picture if you dont mind. Its a good one. Nice photography skills.