Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Garden is Planted

It was great to have Nana and Big Daddy here last weekend. It was especially helpful to get the garden going. Big Daddy is a garden "expert" so he was able to help Gabe pick out plants and get it started. Sunday afternoon we got everything planted and are now trying to keep it going. Sadie loved being outside and loved helping. She had to be into whatever was going on. We think everything survived the hail storm we had last week and we have baby bell peppers already growing. We'll keep you updated!

Our first garden.

Daddy and Big Daddy planting the tomatoes. Sadie climbing on EVERYTHING!

She loved riding on shoulders in the backyard. Especially when Daddy and Big Daddy would let her look over the fence at all the dogs.

Here is Sadie helping Big Daddy get the garden ready.

She loved sitting in the dirt and helping Big Daddy.

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