Sunday, May 30, 2010

Presenting...The Gillespie Garden

Gabe has been working diligently on the Gillespie garden and it is looking great. I can't wait until it is time to eat all the veggies! I think Gabe really has a talent for this gardening thing. Who would have thought? He really cut up a potato and put it in the ground and now... we have huge potato plants. We also have tomatoes, peppers, broccoli and squash. I'll take some more pictures when we start havesting. It's looking like we're going to have some yummy stuff!

Here it is. Gabe has even rolled up a tarp on the side so he can cover the garden in case of hail. Now that's dedication.

Tomato plants

Our first broccoli flower. (I think that's what you call it.)

Our first peppers.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

i have to show this post to cary. He's been wanting a garden ever since we moved to TN.:) Great job, Gabe!