Monday, October 18, 2010

Claire is 8 and 9 months old :)

So Claire is actually 10 months old today, but I am just getting her 8 and 9 month pictures posted. My goal has become to get this month taken before the next month gets here and so far I have made it. Now I'll just work on getting them posted. To say that Claire is on the go would be kind of an understatement. She is moving, moving, moving. She does not stay still as you can see from trying to take her picture. I had a little better luck with the 9 month picures when I made Gabe help me. It has become a two person job. Claire has such a funny personality and it is so much fun to watch the girls together. Sadie starts talking and Clarie just jabbers right back. Sadie loves her so much and has started calling her "baby sister" or "baby Claire" I really just melt. As busy as we get, my favorite time of day is the precious few minutes we have after dinner before bed when we are all on the floor just playing. We just talk and laugh and enjoy being our family.

Really, these picures do not do justice to how many I took. I did not get one picture of her actually sitting looking at the camera, but she was smiling and laughing and all of them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taking a break at work. What a sweet little girl.
Big Daddy