Friday, December 17, 2010

Claire's first year!

Claire is turning 1 tomorrow! When I look back at the pictures I can't believe how much she has changed and I can't believe how fast it has gone. She already has such a personality. I just love to see her smile, laugh, and even throw little fits. She really seems to be content most of the time. She does have a 3 year old sister to watch and help keep her entertained. She has just started clapping her hands to "If you're happy and you know it" and she will put her head back and go "Aaahhhhh" when you act like you are going to sneeze. That is really cute! I need to post a video of it.

I just love to watch Claire and Sadie together. They are so sweet to each other. Exept when Claire tries to take things from Sadie, but that really doesn't happen too much. I love to catch them "playing" in Sadie's room or Sadie saying to Claire, "Come on baby" and Claire taking off after her down the hall to go see what they can find. I can not wait to watch them grow up together and have each other as sisters and friends.

Claire, I remember holding you in the hospital and thanking God for giving me such a beautiful baby. I can not wait to see the life that God has in store in for you and I am praying just like your dad and I have been since before you were born that you will listen to his leading and become what he wants you to be. We know that he has great plans for you. We pray also that we will be the parents that he wants us to be to lead you to be that person. You already are such a sweet spirit and beautiful child. We love you and Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Bithday Claire. We can't wait to see you and Sadie.
We love you.
Big Daddy and Nana

Ashley said...

What a neat collage, Christy! Happy Birthday, Claire!