Sunday, September 18, 2011

An Abundance of Apples

Well, I'm teaching 4th grade this year and with that comes a lot of writing. One of our sentences when we were recently learning about context clues had to do with an abundance of apples and all of the things that were made out of apples. I was remembering that lesson last weekend when we were picking an "abundance" of apples and wondering how we were going to use them all.

It was a great Saturday to be at the Apple Festival. We had a great time with the girls. The older they get, the more fun it is to watch them learn things and enjoy new things. Claire really had a great time seeing the trees and "running" (or as close to running as she gets) through the orchard. We tasted lots of apples and even some honey. Snow White even made an apperance and Sadie was in awe. This was her first time to see a "princess" in person. The girls pretty much ate apples all day. And for turnovers! Yummy!

Checking out the loot.

Tasting, tasting, tasting

...And more tasting

Showing her apple to the camera.

Clarie excited about her apple. (After tasting it of course.)

Sadie and Snow White

Sadie in the jumper.

Talking to Johnny Appleseed

1 comment:

mochacoffee said...

I remember those apple pickin' days with Krissy. Great times and awesome memories!