Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This week at the Gillespie's...

Well…we just thought Sadie was done being sick for a while. She got an infection last week and has been sick for about a week. She finally started feeling better on Monday and I am sooooo glad. When we took her to the doctor he said that kids get an average of 13 infections/sicknesses between 1 and 5 and if they don’t get them when they are young they will get them in kindergarten. She did start going to P.D.O. in February and it was the first time she was around a lot of other kids so there is an explanation. Not that that makes it any easier to see her sick. I think the doctor told us all that to help us feel better about her being sick and I appreciate him doing it.

This is one of those times that I have struggled with working vs. staying at home. I know that I love teaching and that I would want to be working if I was at home. I know that teaching is one of the ways that I take care of myself. I always thought that I would stay at home and at times I felt like it was my responsibility to stay home, but I feel differently now and I am so grateful that I have been able to make the choice that is best for me. We have been so blessed with wonderful people to take care of Sadie while we are at work and I truly believe that she has been blessed to have other examples in her life other than us. I also know that my time with Sadie is precious and I truly appreciate and try to really be in all of the moments that I have with her. I believe that God gave Sadie to us as a gift, but ultimately she is His child and we are just trying to guide her to him and help her to learn to seek him and listen to what he desires for her. To me this means that we seek his guidance and wisdom as we make decisions for her and do the best that we can to raise her. I have been so comforted by the truth that raising children does not look that same for everyone and as my wonderful mother-in-law has told me many times, “You need to do what’s best for you and your family unit.”

So…are we finished with sickness? I know that we aren’t. But I also know that God is guiding us and that as long as we are listening and obeying He will take care of us.

We've taken Sadie's temperature so much that now she knows what to do with the thermometer.

And she loves to play with it now too.

Checking the numbers. No fever! Hooray!!!!

We were so excited.
Aren't they too cute?

Now she was just being goofy.

Definitely feeling better and wanting to be left alone.

Posing for the camera.


Ashley said...

we have the exact same thermometer. Noah isn't too crazy about it. Glad that Sadie is feeling better! love the last picture where she is posing for the camera!

Big Daddy said...

We are so glad Sadie is feeling better. We have been praying for her. Big Daddy does not like it when his grand babby is sick. Enjoy spring break.