Friday, September 25, 2009

Fall Fun-A day full of firsts!

A couple of weeks ago we went to the Apple Orchard for the Annual Apple Butter Festival. It was a nice cool Saturday, really the first cool weekend we've had so it was nice to be outside. It did start raining while we were there, but we were about to leave so we just got a little wet heading back to the car. There was a lot to do and Sadie is getting to where she can do most of the stuff and loves to do whatever the other kids are doing and does not want to miss out.

We had our first try at face painting. She actually was still was the girl painted it (which is a miracle), but she wiped it with her hand as soon as she was done. She just had a pink smear on her face. I figure for her first time, that's not too bad. She didn't know it was a flower anyway.
She also had her first round in a bounce house. This was a little scary for me watching from the outside. She did ok, but held up the line to go down the slide and got caught up in a couple kids so we took her out early. She was not happy with that, but quickly got over it with the apple and cantalope samples!

Here she is displaying her mini-pumpkin. She loved it and held it all the way home. It is no longer of interest to her 2 weeks later so it is decorating the window sill.

Walking with Daddy towards the apple trees. I didn't really get any good pictures of the orchard. They had a freeze last spring and there weren't really apples to pick so we mostly stayed at the kids' area.

And of course, Sadie's favorite part was the petting zoo. Whenever the sheep would, "Baaaa!" Sadie would shake her head and "Baaaa!" back at them. The zoo owners seemed to enjoy watching her as much as we did!


Ashley said...

Look at the blonde headed beauty!!! Glad you had a fun day!! It made me get excited about fall time around the corner!!

Angie said...

Sadie is just too cute. I love seeing her! Thank you for blogging! I wish I had something to blog about! :-)

Miss you all.