Friday, May 14, 2010

Time is flying...

I decided to post some pictures we have taken over the past few weeks and get caught up on blogging. We are excited that the end of the school year is so close, but it's going to be a very busy two weeks. We've had lots of activites and fun things happening at the Gillespie house so here's the latest...

Sadie has loved being able to play in the back yard. She especially likes picking flowers off the bushes. Hopefully, I'll be blogging about our garden soon. It is off and growing.

Claire has started eating cereal. She is picking up eating with a spoon great. She's a pretty messy eater, but I've been told that's what makes it fun.

Hannah went to prom. She even let us go see her at the restaurant where they ate dinner AND let us take pictures. She is awesome, loves our girls, and is so beautiful!

We went to Gabe's Cinco De Mayo festival at his school. Sadie loves to ride the train they have there. She just rode over and over. Gabe went and got her a bag of popcorn and she was good to go.

We've had an exciting milestone- Claire rolled over on Mother's Day!

She is pointing to show us what she just did. Isn't that amazing :)

And Gabe got me a swing. We are loving swinging in the evenings after dinner.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Looks like a busy few weeks! I can't believe how big Claire is getting!!:) Both girls are adorable!
Tell Gabe, "good job," on the swing!! :)