Sunday, May 29, 2011

Our Weekend Project!

Summer has begun and we are excited! We even completed our first summer project today! Actually, Gabe put it together and I "documented" for the blog. The girls love to be outside and we saw this cute picnic table at World Market that we could not pass up. It was completed right about lunch time today so lunch and dinner were both eaten outside. Sadie even woke up from her nap saying she needed some food to eat at the picnic table. We'll see what other projects we get done... we're off to a good start.

Here's Sadie, posing with the completed table.

When we first started, they were very excited to watch.

As you can see Sadie quickly became bored and Claire found a water bottle to play with.

Inspecting the work.

"Helping" Daddy. Really she was just asking if he was done yet.

Yea! Finally! (It really only took about an hour to put together :)

Enjoying some lunch.

Ok really, Isn't that just too cute?

1 comment:

emily said...

i saw this table at world market and thought it was SOOOO cute!!!!! let me know how you like it! i may just have to go get one. i mean, it IS red. :)

so glad you're already enjoying your summer!!