Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer project #2

I'm not sure if everyone would consider this a project, but I decided to for the sake of a blog title. Last week we got a package from Nana and inside was this great inflatable swimming pool with two slides. The girls didn't know what it was since it was all folded up in the box, but were very excited just the same. Gabe decided to gather up all the extra air he had today and blow it up. We tried to use an air pump, but didn't have the nozzle. Once we had gotten it out of the box, there was no turning back. Two little girls wanted a swimming pool. They watched him blow and blow and blow. The girls had a great time playing. Claire is still not quite sure of the water so she stood on the side and played, but Sadie quickly figured out the slide.

Taking a break for a quick drink. Thinking about what the next project for Daddy will be.

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