Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Big Thank you

Before we get too far into summer, I wanted to say a Big Thank You to the teachers at the YWCA who have taken care of Claire for the past year and a half. She started there when she was 9 weeks old and it was a sad Friday last week when she had her last day. The ladies there were so wonderful to her and showed her so much love. Claire stayed in the same room the whole time she was there and I was so grateful she was able to. She was the oldest by a few months by the time she left, but her teachers loved her so much they let her stay. They were so great to work on sign language with her once they saw her doing it. She also has develped a love for babies. Since she was the oldest she has watched little babies being taken care of for a while and has learned to be so sweet with them. She will go get her baby at home and will bring us a blanket to wrap it up in. Then she feeds it a bottle and will even turn it over and burp it when she is done. On her last day, her teachers bought her a big pink ball and they all signed it. We appreciate them so much and are so thankful for the good care they took or Claire and the love they showed her.

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