Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ballerina Debut

Sadie has had a great time the last few weeks with her recitals. She has enjoyed being involved in some activities and especially loves the dressing up and being on stage part. She had been asking about taking ballet during the summer and if I am being honest, I was not looking forward to another night of being busy during the week. We were so excited when a paper came home from school that said they were going to be offering ballet once a week. It is through the Stretch n Grow program (which we also love) and the teachers come to the daycare and teach the class. They are great with the kids and Sadie loves it. Claire is still a little too young, but it won't be long. Sadie is already teaching her the songs and steps.

Sadie was so excited to get her hair fixed in a "ballerina bun." She also kept telling me all afternoon, "ballerina's are sweet," and when Claire tried to hit her "bun" she said, "Mama, ballerinas do not hit. Claire can not be a ballerina."

Here are a few pictures and a video of one of the dances. I just love how I can see her little... or should I say big, personality coming through. They were all so cute!


mochacoffee said...

Soooo very cute!!!!!

Ashley said...

Sadie can really shake her tutu!:)
So funny!

Kann said...

I love it!!! She is adorable!