Monday, December 5, 2011

Hello Mr. Turkey, how are you?

That's the song we heard many times during our Thanksgiving trip to San Antonio from Sadie. She learned it at school, and loves to sing us all of her songs.

I'm a little late getting our Thanksgiving pictures posted, but some snowy weather and a delayed start tomorrow made me believe somehow that I have some extra time to blog. I should probably be doing lesson plans, grading papers, and looking over tomorrow's lessons, but I really want to get these pictures up so the blog is winning tonight.

This Thanksgiving we decided to take the girls to Sea World one more time since we had the season passes and we knew we wouldn't get back before the end of the year. Les, Jenny, and Sarah went with us. It was so nice to relax and enjoy hanging out.

One of my favorite pictures from the weekend. We went to La Madeline for Thanksgiving lunch. It was very yummy. Claire really enjoyed the butter. She had to wear her Elmo shirt so she would be ready to see Elmo at Sea World. Of course, she clings to me and says , "No , No!" when we get close, but she's all about the shirt and loves saying, "My Elmo shirt, My Elmo shirt."

Here's Sarah and Sadie on the carousel at Sea World. Sarah was so great to hang with us in the little kid area and let the girls ride some rides.

Gabe and the girls hanging out at the hotel.

Sadie and Claire enjoyed their first round of miniature golf. Here's Les, helping out Sadie.

And Gabe...helping Claire (who thinks she is big enough to do anything anyone else is doing.)

That's the cutest obstacle on a golf course I've ever seen. Aren't they posing perfectly??

Here's Sadie hanging out at the top waiting for everyone to finish. She didn't quite make it 18 holes. We went inside about half way through to cash in her tickets on junk. (I mean prizes)

And another one of my favorites from the weekend of Sadie. She LOVED hanging out at the hotel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun.
Big Daddy