Sunday, May 30, 2010

Presenting...The Gillespie Garden

Gabe has been working diligently on the Gillespie garden and it is looking great. I can't wait until it is time to eat all the veggies! I think Gabe really has a talent for this gardening thing. Who would have thought? He really cut up a potato and put it in the ground and now... we have huge potato plants. We also have tomatoes, peppers, broccoli and squash. I'll take some more pictures when we start havesting. It's looking like we're going to have some yummy stuff!

Here it is. Gabe has even rolled up a tarp on the side so he can cover the garden in case of hail. Now that's dedication.

Tomato plants

Our first broccoli flower. (I think that's what you call it.)

Our first peppers.

5 months!

Here we are at 5 months. We made it to summer and are so glad to have a little break. The school year ended smooth and we are getting ready to go visit Nana and Big Daddy in a couple days. Claire is loving her cereal and had peas for the first time a couple days ago. She loves them. We're going to try green beans next. She is sleeping great and a very happy, laid back baby. We are loving our time all together and we're only on the second day of summer. I know it will go fast, but for now we are just going to enjoy it as much as we can!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Panty Day!

Sadie has been doing really good at school with going to the potty. They are so awesome there and do a great job potty trainig. (Not so great at home, but we're getting there.) She has been dry during the day so they have been putting her in panties and she has been so excited about it. This past Wednesday before we left for church Sadie said that she wanted to show everyone her panties. She usually has something that she goes into church talking about like her shirt or a boo boo or something. I told her that we don't show our panties and that we should really only talk about panties at home or with Mama and Daddy. Do you think my prompting did any good? Nope! We were walking up the sidewalk and sweet Ms. Marie opened the door for us to hear Sadie running at her saying, "I got panties, I got panties!" I start apologizing and try to tell Sadie that we aren't going to talk about panties, but she was just too excited. She went to just about everyone. She would run up and say, "I got panties" and just about everyone would say, "What?" and she would say again, "I got panties." They would then burst out laughing. She got some comments back like, "I do too." A friend told her, "Happy Panty Day!" and it kind of stuck. Most were just caught off guard until it got around that she was sharing her big news. After my apologizing about ten times I finally stopped. An experienced mom told me to just let her be proud, so I did.

P.S. This is one of those posts I can't wait for her to read when she is anywhere from 16-18 years old!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Time is flying...

I decided to post some pictures we have taken over the past few weeks and get caught up on blogging. We are excited that the end of the school year is so close, but it's going to be a very busy two weeks. We've had lots of activites and fun things happening at the Gillespie house so here's the latest...

Sadie has loved being able to play in the back yard. She especially likes picking flowers off the bushes. Hopefully, I'll be blogging about our garden soon. It is off and growing.

Claire has started eating cereal. She is picking up eating with a spoon great. She's a pretty messy eater, but I've been told that's what makes it fun.

Hannah went to prom. She even let us go see her at the restaurant where they ate dinner AND let us take pictures. She is awesome, loves our girls, and is so beautiful!

We went to Gabe's Cinco De Mayo festival at his school. Sadie loves to ride the train they have there. She just rode over and over. Gabe went and got her a bag of popcorn and she was good to go.

We've had an exciting milestone- Claire rolled over on Mother's Day!

She is pointing to show us what she just did. Isn't that amazing :)

And Gabe got me a swing. We are loving swinging in the evenings after dinner.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

4 months!

Claire is 4 months old! We've had a good month and lots of fun with the girls. We are all looking forward to summer and getting some needed rest, but we are enjoying every day. Claire is so much more alert now and has a sweet personality. She weighed 12 pounds at her 4 month checkup. 20th percentile for weight and 80th for height. The doctor said she thinks she will be long and lean. She loves her daddy and likes to be in the middle of whatever is going on. She doesn't like to be left in her room to nap while everyone else is awake. We'll be working on that this summer since we are all looking forward to some good naps.

Sadie at 4 months

And Claire at 4 months

Looks a little mischeveous here.

Giving the grandparents the "thumbs up" that she's doing ok.